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Privacy Policy


We have produced this Privacy Policy because we recognize the value of all personal information we may collectand process in the course of our business operations and we are fully committed to operating in line with therequirements of the UK GDPR, the UK Data Protection Act 2018, the EU GDPR and other legislation governing the handling of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).


1. Who we are
2. Personal Information we collect
3. How we use Personal Information
4. Storage and Security of Personal Information
5. Cookies and Analytics
6. Marketing
7. Third Parties
8. Disclosing your information
9. Keeping your data
10. Your Individual Rights
11. CLOUD TOGGLE Platform and Personal Information
12. Contact Details

1. Who We Are

We are CLOUD TOGGLE Ltd DBA “CLOUD TOGGLE”., a Private Limited Company registered in the UK(company registration number 14956672). The registered office is at Devonshire House, Manor Way, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1QQ and we are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office Register of Data Controllers under registration number ZB337667.

2. Personal Information We Collect

We may collect personal information about you as part of the process of you becoming a customer, using our websites, making a sales or support enquiry and registering for or attending events such as webinars and trade events/exhibitions

Data collected may include contact information such as name, address, title, company name, job title, emailaddress, telephone number and payment details.

Payment details will only be personally identifiable if these relate to an individual natural person e.g. personal bank account number and sort code, rather than to an organization (legal person). We do not retain any payment card details and are certified as PCI compliant.

We may collect certain information or data about you when you use any of our websites. Our active company website is currently ‘’

Information collected includes:

  • Questions, queries or feedback you leave, including your email address if you send an email to ‘’
  • Your IP address and details of which version of web browser you used and information on how you used the site using cookies and page tagging techniques to help us improve the website
  • Details to allow you to access our services, product information and transactions, e.g. an emailaddress

3. How We Use Personal Information

This personal information collected may be used in conjunction with our business activities and processed with regard to lawful bases as indicated below:

Purpose                                                                                      Lawful basis for Processing

Creation and maintenance of your Business account        Legitimate Interest

To enable efficient and professional business activities.

Processing of orders                                                             Contractual

Notification of your order status                                           Legitimate Interest

To keep you informed regarding our service provision to you

Replying to your e-mails                                                          Legitimate Interest / Consent

To enable communications for business purposes

Provide technical support                                                       Contractual / Consent

Provide warranty services                                                       Contractual / Consent

Marketing Communications                                                   Legitimate Interest / Consent

To keep you informed of availability of relevant products and services

Information collected from our websites may be specifically used to:

  • Improve the site by monitoring how you use it
  • Respond to any registrations you send us, if you’ve asked us to
  • Provide you with information about our products and services or relevant information if you havebooked a place for a webinar or similar event

We cannot personally identify you when you access our websites, only when you submit your data for a particular purpose, such as in the data collection examples in section 2.

Please note that after submitting your information via ‘’, your email address will be used toprovide you with information such as newsletters, special offers and events.

You may opt to stop receiving email broadcasts at any time. Users who register on or submit information via our website(s) do so under proviso that they agree to opt-in to occasional email broadcasts. Again, you may opt tounsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe link contained within every email broadcast we issue.

4. Storage and Security of Personal Information

We store your data on our secure servers located in the UK and the EU. Customer details are securely stored in the Cloud on Xero and Zendesk CRM software.

We keep your personal information secure by applying appropriate technical and organisational practices against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage. Whilst we do our best toprotect your personal information at all times and make extensive use of encryption and other available technologies, we cannot guarantee the security of your data which is transmitted to our website, applications or services via an internet or similar connection.

Personal information used in our email broadcasts is also stored by our Email Marketing Service Provider (EMS)which is MailChimp, whose policies regarding data security and best practices can be viewed at

MailChimp stores personal data relating to our email broadcasts on their secure servers based in the USA details regarding their GDPR compliance are at:

5. Cookies and Analytics

When using the ‘’ website, we may collect information about your computer, including your IPaddress, operating system and browser type, for system administration and in order to create reports. This isstatistical data about our users’ browsing actions and patterns and does not identify any individual.

The only cookies in use on these websites are for Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that helps website owners understand how visitors engage with their website. Google Analytics customers can view a variety of reports about how visitors interact with their website so that they can improve it.

Like many services, Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to track visitor interactions as in our case, where they are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We then use the information to compile reports and to help us improve our site.

Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. These cookies are used to store information, such as the time that the current visit occurred, whether the visitor has been to the site before and what site referred the visitor to the web page.

Google Analytics collects information anonymously. It reports website trends without identifying individual visitors. You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit our site – for more information on opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites you use, please visit For instructions on how to disable cookies, please visit

Email marketing messages that we send may contain tracking beacons / tracked clickable links or similar server technologies in order to track subscriber activity within email marketing messages. Where used, such marketing messages may record a range of data such as; times, dates, IP addresses, opens, clicks, forwards, geographic and demographic data. Such data, within its limitations will show the activity each subscriber made for that email campaign.

6. Marketing

Any email marketing messages we send are in accordance with the UK GDPR and the PECR. We provide you with an easy method to withdraw your consent (unsubscribe) or manage your preferences and the information we hold about you at any time.

We may also contact you by telephone to communicate relevant information relating to our products and serviceson a business to business basis. In these cases we act in accordance with the PECR and with TelephonePreference Service (TPS/CTPS) registrations and again you can always easily unsubscribe from these communications if you desire.

7. Third Parties

We do not share your information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes.

As documented in section 4, the only third party service which makes use of your personal information is MailChimp when acting on our behalf and under our instruction.

8. Disclosing Your Information

We may be required to pass on your personal information if we have a legal obligation to do so.

9. Keeping Your Data

We will retain your personal information for the duration of our business relationship and afterwards for as long as is necessary and relevant for our legitimate business purposes, or to comply with applicable laws and regulations.Where your data is no longer required for these purposes, it will be removed from our CRM systems as part of our periodic review processes.

10. Your Individual Rights

Under the UK GDPR your rights are as defined under the headings below. You can read more about your rights in detail here; protectionregulation-gdpr/individual-rights/

  • the right to be informed;
  • the right of access;
  • the right to rectification;
  • the right to erasure;
  • the right to restrict processing;
  • the right to data portability;
  • the right to object; and
  • the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling.

If you have submitted personal information through any of our company website

‘’ and wish to make a ‘Subject Access Request’ or to pursue an action relating to any of these rights, please email us at We handle requests in accordance with the UK GDPR and willendeavour to respond as swiftly and efficiently as possible.

You also have the right to raise concerns with ourselves or the ICO if you feel there is a problem with the way we are handling your data. Guidance on raising any concerns regarding the handling of your personal data can beviewed at

11. CLOUD TOGGLE Platform and Personal Information

The Customer is the data controller in respect of their user’s personal information which may be submitted to the service. In these cases, we are data processors acting on the data controller’s behalf and under the controllers written instruction.

How personal information submitted to the CLOUD TOGGLE platform is handled is documented in our GDPR Data Processing Addendum (available on request)

In all cases, the Customer is responsible for maintaining the privacy of the personal information of its authorised users, in its capacity as data controller for this information. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the relevant lawful bases are established for their own organisation to process this personal information and to be able to engage data processors such as ourselves to process this data on their behalf.

As an authorised user of the CLOUD TOGGLE platform, you should address any queries and requests in respect of the handling of your personal information when you use this service directly to the organisation providing the service to you (our Customer). Any queries and requests received by ourselves in this regard willbe forwarded to our relevant Customer who is acting as the data controller for your information.

Data Sharing

None of the personal information submitted to CLOUD TOGGLE is shared with third parties or used byourselves for marketing, market research or other commercial purposes.


CLOUD TOGGLE websites make use of Cookies as described here:

Temporary Cookies

  • Each time that you log-on to the website, a temporary cookie is created to store your CLOUD TOGGLE Platform user permissions and settings. The temporary cookie (also known as a ‘Session Cookie’) is notstored on your device, and only exists until your web-browser is closed after visiting the CLOUD TOGGLE website(s).
  • When you search or navigate around a CLOUD TOGGLE website, your temporary cookie is checked and the search results and options available to you are tailored to match your permissionsand settings.
  • CLOUD TOGGLE cookies do not contain personal information and cannot be used to identify you. Cookies set by a CLOUD TOGGLE website cannot be accessed by any other website.
  • If cookies are not enabled in your web-browser, the website will not be able to ascertain your permissions and settings, it will assume that you have none, and you may be unable to log-in.
  • If you would like to disable cookies within your web-browser then please visit for instructions on how this can be achieved, orcheck your web-browser’s help documentation.

Permanent Cookies

  • CLOUD TOGGLE cookies do not contain personal information and cannot be used to identify you. Cookiesset by a CLOUD TOGGLE website cannot be accessed by any other website.
  • A CLOUD TOGGLE website may also be configured to issue a Permanent Cookie for use in obtaining usage statistics via services such as Google Analytics.
  • If you would like to disable cookies within your web-browser then please visit for instructions on how this can be achieved, orcheck your web-browser’s help documentation.

12. Contact Details

If you have any further questions regarding our handling of your personal data or the contents of this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by email to or by post to:

Devonshire House
Manor Way
United Kingdom

(Last Updated 28th May 2024)